[TRANS_ARTICLE] BLOODY NIGHT_Vampires in plays & musicals.


Eerie air, a large castle with a high full moon hanging over it. In the meantime, bats flying and screaming. ‘The images that naturally follow when we think of vampires make summer nights cool. Those who drink blood, do not age, and have great strength are both feared and clearly fascinating beings. Here, we have collected works featuring vampires with different charms. From ‘Dracula’, which has now become a byword, there are also cute and lovely vampires. caution! Don’t be scared because it’s scary, and don’t look down on it because it’s cute. A vampire full of stories can make you shed tears. Or, they’ll bite your neck off while you’re off guard.

Editor Lee Yunseul

The most famous_The musical “Dracula”

Kim Junsu | OD Company

Among vampires, if you had to choose a famous person that everyone would know, it would definitely be Count Dracula. ‘Dracula’, published in 1897 by Irish writer Bram Stoker, is a gothic horror novel with a vampire as the main character. The original novel, which has been reinterpreted in many works regardless of genre, including movies and dramas, has also been made into a musical and has been loved by audiences. The musical “Dracula,” composed by Frank Wildhorn, entered Broadway in 2004 and premiered in Korea in 2014. A work that tells the sad love story of Count Dracula, who loved only one person for over 400 years. The number ‘Fresh Blood’, which depicts his rejuvenation after drinking human blood, is impressive. The gothic stage brings to life the mysterious atmosphere of Transylvania and helps you immerse yourself in the fantasy world. Unlike the novel, the musical focuses on eternal love that transcends time by adding the setting that Mina was Dracula’s wife, Elisabeth. It depicts the heartbreaking drama of Dracula, an irresistibly fascinating immortal being, and his one and only love, Mina.

How lonely beings recognize each other_The play “Let Me In”.

Credit | iseensee Company

“Let Me In,” which was made into a movie and created a huge fan following, is based on the novel of the same name by Swedish author John Ajvide Lindqvist. It was adapted into a play by the National Theater of Scotland, and premiered on the domestic stage in 2016. The work unfolds around the story of Oscar, a 12-year-old boy who suffers school violence, Eli, a vampire girl who has lived for over 100 years, and Hakan, who has devoted himself to Eli by bringing him human blood. Vampires, who have attributes different from humans, such as sucking blood and having a body that does not age, are objects of fear and are often otherized in the human community. Oscar, who suffers from school violence, is also someone who has been pushed out of the group, and has some resonance with Eli. The blood-sucking action movement on a jungle gym and a bloody stage create a creepy and scary atmosphere, but the story contained within is not all that scary. The faithful love story between a boy and a vampire girl who recognize each other through their wounds is lonely and beautiful.

A vampire dreamer!_Musical “Vampire Arthur”

2021 Performance Photo Company Series.

In the 1930s in England, Arthur, a vampire, and John, a human butler, live. Arthur, who was born as a vampire, but has not yet grown fangs or can fly, stays in the Arthurcofield mansion until he becomes a true vampire. And then there’s Emma, who makes a living by pickpocketing on the streets. The original musical “Vampire Arthur” begins when Emma, who accidentally enters Arthur’s mansion, meets Arthur, who only knows John as a human. The vampires we commonly know live much longer than humans and have superhuman abilities, but this is not the case with Arthur. This innocent boy-like ‘semi-vampire’ is even cute. Arthur is curious to see Emma, who is different from the human he only knew from books, but John, who has lived to protect Arthur, becomes more and more anxious. A mysterious and unexpected story surrounding a slightly special vampire boy. The musical “Vampire Arthur,” which combines witty material with lyrical sentiment, was developed through the story writer’s debut program ‘Black & Blue Season 4’ and met audiences in two seasons in 2018 and 2021.

Do you want to be a vampire?_Musical “Mama, Don’t Cry”

Credit | R&D Works

Professor V, a genius physicist, goes to meet Count Dracula from the Middle Ages in a time machine he developed himself. Due to his timid personality, he cannot speak properly to his crush, so he wants to become a vampire who charms everyone and win their love. However, Count Dracula, who suffers from eternal life despite his absolute charm, wants to end this immortal life. This work, featuring two unusual characters, is the musical “Mama Don’t Cry.” It captivates the audience with various elements such as strong rock sound, kitschy and cartoon-like production, and characters with strong personalities. Another viewing point is that the two characters with conflicting desires maintain the tension of the play and bring out the charm of a two-person play. It is a work that has continued its box office success over six seasons, and in 2021, it held a performance commemorating its 10+1 anniversary, which was postponed by a year due to the pandemic. A fresh vampire story created by combining unique material and B-grade humor.

Such a lovely musical “V Ever After”.

Credit | MJStarfish

A very unusual vampire appears who gets a nosebleed when he tells a lie and gets along well with wolves, the vampire’s natural enemy. The main character is the innocent and quirky Remy. The musical “V Ever After” is a bold reinterpretation of the image of a vampire who is pale and elegant, but at the same time an object of fear. This is another vampire musical written by Lee Hee-jun, who has already created a new vampire genre with “Mama, Don’t Cry,” and it has garnered attention since its premiere. The setting is a small principality in Europe in the 17th century. It depicts the love story between Frances, who is the heir to a principality but wants to become a monk while constantly receiving threats to his life from political enemies, and Remi, a lovely vampire. A three-person play played by three actors, including Joey, a human who flew in a time machine from the future. From the premiere in 2021, the performance was conducted with gender-free casting.

Girl, meet girl_Musical “Carmilla”

Credit | Neverending Play, Library Company.

There is a vampire novel published 25 years earlier than Bram Stoker’s ‘Dracula’. A female vampire appears as the main character in ‘Carmilla’ by the Irish writer Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, a book published in 1872. An original musical based on this original work is about to premiere. The musical “Carmilla” tells the dangerous yet beautiful love story of Carmilla, an attractive female vampire, and Laura, a human girl. Here, a total of four characters lead the work, including Nick, a vampire who is faithful to his desire to have what he wants, and Spilsdorf, a deacon at the cathedral who is about to become a priest and who tries to protect Laura. The story unfolds in earnest when sisters Carmilla and Nick, who suffered a carriage accident on a stormy night, come to stay at Laura’s house. Carmilla, tired of her immortal life, meets Laura and regains her lost desires. Expectations are high to see how she will resolve the feelings that are blooming between them.

Vampire Hunter, how do you do that?_Musical “VampXHunter”

Credit | Content planning.

A fateful showdown unfolds between the red-eyed vampire Saint-Germain and three people: Ryu-jin, Jun-hong, and Heon-sik. Jin Ryu, who is in second place in the shooting club, feels a fateful love for Jun-hong and decides to become a righteous vampire hunter to protect his first love. Junhong, whom Ryujin falls in love with, has always been an outsider, but after being bitten by a vampire, he opens his eyes as a handsome vampire. To avenge his teacher, Heonsik becomes an exorcist and chases down vampires. Saint-Germain, pursued by three people who formed a strategic alliance, is a vampire trying to stain the world with blood, but he has a somewhat savory(?) charm. A comical vampire musical that tells the story of four characters gathering at Manseong Woodworking Shop. The new musical “Vamp X Hunter” prepared by the production team of Daehangno’s representative open-run play “Shear Madness” opened in April and is being performed as an open run.

Source | Theatre +

Trans/Shared by | Musical in Life

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